USA Headquarters
14830 Choate Circle
P.O. Box 7900
Charlotte, NC 28241-7900
September 7, 2007
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” -Phil. 4:13
Dear Friends and Loved ones,
As one who is running a race, I desire to press forward for the prize; that crown that is promised to those who run the race. It is incorruptible and reserved for us in heaven. God has called us to great and noble efforts; to a career of true honor and glory; to the obtainment of a bright and imperishable crown.
Some of you may already know my plans for this coming year, but others of you may not so I’d like to share it with you. During my senior year of college, I felt God was leading me to look more seriously into mission work. I’ve been involved in various forms of ministry for some time now and I enjoy it greatly. However, the Lord was pressing something else on my heart; missions overseas. It seemed so far-fetched to me at first I simply prayed that if it was God’s will I should go, then He would have to place that desire in my heart and open the door to this idea.
Many missionaries came to speak of their work and I took opportunity to question them and listen to their experiences; I found myself becoming more and more interested. By Christmas I was looking into several mission boards and their work in various countries; then I applied to Serving In Mission (SIM: formally known as Sudan Interior Mission). My interests had led me to Africa and I knew SIM had many missionaries there. That process continued and by May I went to my first training. In June, I was accepted as a short-term associate with SIM (associate # 17306), and by January I’m hoping to be on the plane to Africa. This may be sudden to most of you, but I assure you God has been at work in my heart and life for a while now.
My mission will involve me working/teaching in an orphanage/school in Kibera, Kenya called the New Adventure. While there, I could be teaching any number of subjects to varying age groups. My job description is not quite fully determined and won’t be until I reach the field; I’ll be living in a secured compound with other SIM members, and I will be commuting to work everyday. Though it may be hard to adjust at first, I’ve heard Kenya is more westernized than other countries in Africa. My mission will be for one full year and will cost approximately $15,000.00—$9,000.00 of those dollars must be raised by January and the rest of the fifteen thousand must be promised in order for me to leave on the expected departure date (January 20, 2008). I’m praying and looking for people who would be willing to be committed for a year as financial supporters. I’m also searching for prayer supporters who will bring me before the throne of grace daily. If you feel led or wish to be part of this ministry then please read the additional information enclosed in this letter.
There are many things I wish to gain from this experience, but just to name a few: 1.) I wish to see the world through different eyes and realize this life is not all about me, 2.) I desire to grow spiritually in my walk with God and gain further training for whatever comes next in my life, and 3.) During my stay, I want to acquire a burden for the people there and to share with them the love of Christ and the hope of the Gospel to all who will hear.
I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this letter and for being a part of my life. The Lord has blessed me with you all and I’m praying He blesses you as well. This prize demands our highest efforts, and it is worth all the exertions which we can make even in the longest life. Lay every weight that besets you and press forward toward that mark.
His Athlete,
Michelle Bourgoin
Short-term Associate (#17306)
“Even the youths shall faint and be weary…but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;…they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” -Is.40:30-31
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