Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
Dear prayer warriors and financial supporters,
I want to thank the Lord for all of you right now. If it were not for you all and your faithfulness in prayer and support my faith in God's plan for missions would be wavering more than it has been today. I wish I could tell you that I was leaving in a week and tell you all about anxieties that come with leaving. Instead, I'll share about how hard it's been to receive news that I must wait even more.
As most of you know I was not able to leave for Kenya due to the extreme unrest the country has faced. Also, you've heard I was in the process of looking for another placement elsewhere. God gave me the wonderful opportunity to travel with my sister and her boys as far as South Carolina, and while there I had the opportunity to stop by the SIM headquarters and go over some placements with my short-term cordinator. We decided on one in Thailand which involved much of the same work I'd have been doing in Kibera, Kenya. However, when we corresponded with the field there, we found out that position was already in the process of being filled. I do praise the Lord that the need there was filled.
Still, that left us a little disappointed. Thailand was not out of the picture though. When the Thailand cordinator responded back she also left us with another ministry that was in need. The details are attached, but I'll give a brief explanation:
In Chiang Mai, Thailand there are approx. 35,000 university students that attend the local universities each year. "The Centre" is a ministry that will aid Thai students in learning conversational english for a fraction of the cost they'd pay at a regular university. However, while they are taught english, they are taught the truth of Jesus Christ through the Bible as a textbook; most are from Buddist backgrounds and have never heard the name of Jesus. Also, they are invited to Bible studies at the Centre along with special nights such as cooking nights (where the students learn to cook western food and interact with the staff) and friday party nights (where there will be singing, skits and teaching from the Word of God). I would be involved in all of the above.
I've thought and prayed about this placement a lot. I also asked my closest friends to give their imput on what they thought. After some time I told my cordinator, Bob Hay, that I was willing to pursue this exciting yet very new idea. I must admit I was very unsure about myself in this position and insecure about some aspects of myself in the ministry. One good friend reminded me that my reason for not going should not be out of my lack of faith in what the Lord can do in and through me. I found that all my reasons for not going were selfish and simply insecurities I wasn't placing into the Lord's hands. I want to be willing for this as different as it might be or what I'd been expecting originally.
I ask prayer for the waiting that comes with this placement. I received word today that the cordinator in Thailand is out of the country untill the end of March and so we have to wait for specifics for possibly another month; then I'll have to wait for some time after that to finalize everything (i.e. travel). The Lord is stretching me more than I'd like to be stretched sometimes. Regardless, I know it's for my good and for His ultimate glory. I've just finished reading the book, Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper and what I've received most from reading it is that God's love is not so that he can ultimately make much of me, but so that we may make much of Him. Whatever preperation I need, I want so that I can make much of HIm.
By way of encouragement to you all, I want to share this: "Many of you must stay (where you are). Your staying is crucial for God's purposes where you are, and it is crucial for his purposeses where you are not, but where others may go." -John Piper I have always considered this a partnership. When I'm down and discouraged/ disappointed or doubting His plan, I remember all those praying; I remember all those who are giving and have given making it possible to continue. I remember that we are co-labourers and that God is using us both where we are. I remember to "thank God on every remembrance of you." As I wait on the Lord, please wait with me.
Together to make much of Him,
Michelle Bourgoin
prayers: That I would not become Idle with the extra unexpected time;
That the Lord would guide and give continual assurance of His call, desire for His word.
For opportunities to minister in the mean time.
For the Lord to prepare the hearts of the students in Thailand whom I will have the opportunity to reach.
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