Sunday, October 19, 2008

Youth Service at CMCC

YOUTH WORSHIP TEAM Chiang Mai Community Church put's on a youth service once a month. The youth will lead the worship and the Youth Pastor will give the sermon. I was so blessed by these teens. It made me miss my work at home, but I was so glad I was able to be at this service and see what's happening with our teens in the church. So much much gifting and talents. Pray for our Youth. That they'd let their lights shine. Amanda gave testimony about her time spent at Agape Orphanage. She's been investing in the lives of one little girl for three years. She visits often and plays with her. Amanda attends Grace Christian school hear in Chiang Mai. Her parents are in Bible Translation work. This young man spent his summer in Singapore with Youth with a Mission. He was involved in street and open air evangelism and helped in the media departments helping to build websites. God's possibilities are just got to be willing to use your gifts and talents anywhere.

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