Thursday, June 26, 2008

Friends in Small Places

I almost half died from having a heartattack after seeing this little creature skid accross the wall in my room. I was opening the curtains when I saw him...he hurried across the wall to bury himself in the darkness. At first I thought there was a big Cocroach (spelling?) making himself comfortable in my room :0( Thankfully, I found the siluette of the little thing peering through the curtain, I could rest assured it was only a little lizard; the cutest one by far. I was stupid enough to think I could catch him :0) They are incredibly quick. I told Beaw and Wor (my two Thai roomates) I saw hime and they told me, "We have many friends in this house." I saw another little one in my closet still took my breath away before I realized what he was. :0) So for all those who are praying about loneliness...ha rest assured I have more company than I want sometimes :0) ------summer camp starts tonight... please pray...Opal, our team leader, was a little disappointed that not many were attending. Pray for her heart to be lifted by the "little" that come and that God would do a work in those few.

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