Tuesday, June 24, 2008


6:oo flights are never a fun thing. I'm a morning person but nothing could have prepared me for what was coming. 3:30 I woke up Sat. to make it to the airport in plenty of time to catch my flight. However, the only flight that was cancelled had to be mine. I had to fly a domestic flight from Portland to New York before connecting to my international flight to Bangkok. After two long hours of discussing impossible options with the Delta personel all they could provide me with was, "techniquely, we are only responsible for getting you to New York; regardless if you miss your connecting flight...." (which was at 11:35, and the next flight delta had to offer was 11:30). Ummm...what do you say to that??? :0) I was ready to cry. Had I known that information two hours before it would have been great to buy a ticket for a different 6:00 flight. I called Thai Airways to see what could be done but, of course, they were not open on the weekends. All possibilities seemed to be lost. We tried Jet Blue to see if they had any earlier flights to New York, but we weren't so fortunate. However, the nice Lady at the desk escorted us to United Airways which had a room on a flight leaving at 6:45. After that point I really don't remember all that transpired, except for running to security. It was closing in on 6:45 so the nice Lady at United Airways told me to run and leave my bags with my parents to pass them through. So I'm franticly going through security when I remember, "I haven't been able to give my parents a proper goodbye...(not even a hug)." I look back as I'm going through and they're both standing their crying...and then all the crying came. I feel bad for the security guy who was the one to receive it all. There is something about men with women crying...it's so humorous as I look back. Poor guy didn't know what to say or if he said to much to make me cry. If any of you know me...I hate to talk when I cry and so as he's asking me questions, I can't form the words and I just give up trying all together, and walk away...(oh please smile at this, because I laugh now). Anyway, so at this point I'm sobbing and I'm normally a silent cryer, but I make it to the gate so tempted to turn around and go back..."it's so unfair," I thought. Litteraly 5 min later they started boarding. I was actually flying into Laguardia (spelling??) Airport and needed to get to JFK, but the nice Lady from United Airways prepared me with everything I needed to know and I got there in no time. While I was in the plane...still sobbing :0)...I looked out the window (partially to escape from all the stairs and concerned faces in the plane), and as we lifted above the clouds I was expressing to the Lord all my frustrations, but also thanks to his provisions, and then I saw the sun; faithful as ever. We don't always see it because the clouds are in the way, but it was there in that plane. I thought..."wow Lord, now that's peace. There were so many clouds this morning, and yet You were there...ever faithful!" It was a really BAD morning....but I still serve a great God!" "Peace which passeth all understanding" is how it's put right? I remembered the team I had praying for me. Thanks team...you know who you are....thank you for praying worriors. I was able to call my Mom and Dad once I was through ticketing through Thai Air... I had a 17 hr flight to Bangkok (flew up to the arctic east over russia and down again). Then from Bangkok to Chaing Mai...it all seemed like a dream, but I was happy to be there.


Anonymous said...

I cried as I read this!!! I can see your parents standing there and then you torn between catching your flight and saying goodbye...As if it happened like that!! I'm so happy that everything is going so well...you're in our prayers and we think of you often. This blog is great! We're headed up to the lake this weekend for the week and it won't be the same up there without you! ;)
Love, Lissa

Anonymous said...

Well Michelle you got me crying too when I read your Blog. I'm so glad you made it. We sure do have a great God. We will faithfully keep you in prayer. Looking forward to read your Blog.

Love Jeannette

Anonymous said...

mannnn you made me cry too
Michelle, your dad told us al ittle bit at church sunday and he needed to be passed the tissues also but he did mighty fine I might ad , well for him that is hehehe. I will look forward to read your blogs, you did a great job...Love In Christ, Yvette

Anonymous said...

Oh my Dearest Michelle, here I seat in tears as well! I love you so much! And I am so happy you are there in Thailand, and happy and peaceful. We are having great times at CYIA, and I qm sure many are praying for you! I am going to make copies of this first blog to pass on to them at Camp! And Dearest Michelle, Have a "WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY" you deserve the best!
Mrs. Beebe and Mr. Beebe too! Philippians 1:6

Anonymous said...

Hey, Michelle. So glad you made it! What an adventure...yes, I cried too.... God is good and ever faithful. So sorry to have missed you when you stopped by the house but I sent you a goodbye wish in your birthday card and I know you got that. :)
Happy Birthday!
Love and prayers,