English camp was the greatest way to start my life here. I just loved it. It was only for a weekend but it was wonderful. I only started teaching yesterday so all last week it was a struggle to build relationships with any of the students. English camp solved that problem.
Preparing to leave on Friday...

We had a buddy system there at camp. I was given a Thai student and after every session we were able to talk about what was spoken. The meetings were applicable to our theme, "Who are you." My team member Corey (from Michigan) spoke on "Who I am, " then Dustin spoke on "Who God is" and the fact that He is Holy, Just and Love. Wor, my roomate and who is also staff at the centre spoke on "Who is my Neighbor." We had a few testimonies, drama, and a special speaker on Saturday Night. I was so blessed by what was shared. Throughout the whole camp we had translaters and I was so thankful to God for those who have the gift of learning languages. It came in handy.
Who am I? Corey --BAy translating...

Who is God? Dustin--Wan translating...

Who is my Neighbor? Wor--Max translating...

My roomate Wor and I... ok so every Thai does a peace sign in their pictures...it's like the cool thing to do here :)....

My buddy was a girl named Aung. She expressed interest in God the first time talking to her. She said in broken english, "I've never experienced God, I am buddist, but someday I wish to experience him more." I told her that because she came to camp and because she has met people at the centre, God is already revealing himself to her. She was happy to here it. Her interest only strengthened from then on. We had wonderful talks about my salvation and growth in the Lord. I was able to share the whole gospel. She asked me once, "what do think of me," I didn't really know what to say but responded with, "I think you are cheerful and fun, and I also think you are searching for the truth and that is a good thing." She smiled. I asked her the same question, "She told me that I seemed happy all the time, but also very focused ( I think she meant at peace too). " She wondered why Christians could be so happy all the time and how they are filled with peace it seems. I was able to share with her about how the Holy Spirit comes to live in those who accept Christ and is able to fill us with Joy and peace. I told her that the more I become dependent on God the more I'm able to see how he provides and be filled with Joy as a result. I also assured her that it was not a "over-night" thing...that it was a process even in my life. I told her, "It's like your English, you don't know it overnight, but you will. Well, with the joy you see in me, it's taken time. It will take time to know more about God, and it's ok if you don't understand everything just yet. Just keep asking questions." Needless to say, I've built that first relationship I was looking for. I went to dinner with her yesterday and plan to have a movie night with some of her friends. Pray the Lord would give increase :) Thank you all for praying about this weekend...the Lord was very Present.
Aung is the girl in the middle of this picture...

Pray for me as I'm not quite adjusted to the food yet. I don't mind some, but the smells of some others are a bit of my distaste.
This is egg and pork...lots of egg and pork here. This dish I actually liked and ate.

Yes, you are seen Thai's preparing food on a mat on a floor with counter tops all around them :0)...

Our games crew, Brooke and Jen...pray for Jen as she returns home to California for furlough for 3 months. it's a lot of transition. She's been living in Thailand for 2-1/2 years. She told me how hard it is just being home in like a mall and being able to here all the conversations. She said she feels like yelling, Be quiet! to everyone in the stores. Here you just become accustomed to not understanding any of the conversations that when you get home it's a reverse culture shock. So be praying for her.

My very lovable Thai roommate Wor...

Gyou, student leaison, translator and Christian; and Wanham, a student and Aung's sister. She also showed a lot of interest in the things of the Lord..

Card games like uno, are a great way to practice their English and build relationships. :o)

Our rooms and beds...yeah no such thing as Serta matresses in Thailand...

The showers never cease to amaze me :0) ....

Sorry I couldn't post more...it just takes so long to post this much, and you only have so much time in a day right? I'll be posting again soon. Next item of prayer...I started teaching this week, pray for wisdom...it's a beginners course so it can be hard.
Other events this week:
Cooking night: Canada Day theme. Team member Jen from Ontario will be organizing a cookout with Hamburgers and Onion Rings.
Friday night Party: Independence theme (4th of July), I'll be "MC-ing" the event. we'll have hot dogs over the fire, rice crispy squares (just so you know, you can't find marshmallows anywhere here--Brooke brought them from the states--so it's a big thing :0) ), and relays and games. Pray for good whether. Brooke will also be giving her Testimony.
My friend went to China last summer and she said all the Chinese make peace signs in their pictures too. :)
I'm leaving for S. Africa on Sunday. Their big thing is chocolate chips...they love chocolate chip cookies but don't have chocolate chips there, so we're going to bake cookies and do some door-to-door witnessing...with cookies as our bribe to get them to listen to us. ;-)
Thanks for sharing when you get time! I love hearing about what's going on. Praying for you!
Hey Michelle! I read a snippet from this to the teens at camp this morning. Most of them know you, so I figured they'd find it interesting. :)
Thanks for sharing!
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