Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Coffee Level Redo

So last week some of our staff was away and many of the students had exams. This left a lot of time for those left at the Centre to do some projects. It all started with Josh and Jamie wanting to redo the Coffee Level menu board. After an entire afternoon the guys were still trying to decide on the right font. :)) The next day they finally decided on one. They decided on curly lettering; actually, for guys they didn't do all that bad :0) The final product However, the guys were still board out of their minds and thought what a cool idea it would be to repaint the entire coffee level a different color while Krista (who runs our coffee level) is away. As well as the fact we had so much time on our hands and everyone else was gone. So after much debate and consideration we went through with it. I spent last Sat. painting our coffee level with Josh and Jamie. Hear are the before and after photos...and some others ;0) We decided on a deep red. We thought that most coffee shops have darker tones. We wanted to make it with a more homey feel. Kris and I decided on the red and the guys went to get it. I have to say, I've never been more impressed with guys who got so close to the color we were thinking. :0) Of course trimming comes first... This next photo pretty much explains what MY afternoon was like. I did all the ceilling trimings and "hard to reach with a normal paint brush" area. I spent my day on a ladder pretty much. We did all the red first... Again, "hard to reach places" :0) Now we're seeing it come together ;0) Yes, for all you experts...we did get that blue showing behind the air conditioner. :0) I found an interesting bug... Michelle's getting tired...:)) Jamie and Josh still going strong :0) Ok moving onto the black...everything yellow must turn black... Josh even tried my job for a bit...I don't think he liked it very much :) Yeah still on the ladder... Ahhh...a nice sharp look... Ok so the final product of phase two of Coffee Level Redo... So everyone must know that Krista has still not returned from her trip and she has no idea we've done this to the coffee level. :0) What's that saying about "do it now, and ask forgiveness later." ;0) This next photo is for my cousin Chanelle. Chanelle insisted that there are way too many peace signs in Thailand photos, and that I should shake things up a bit and throwing a "rocker" sign in there once in a while. So Chanelle, this one's for you :0))


Unknown said...

Hey Macha! It's Li! I just saw your Entries from Thailand for the first time, and I loved it! You write really well, and it is encouraging to hear all your news!
Sounds like you're having fun!
The painting looks great...almost as nice as when you painted our fun room!
Anyways, Your nefews are growing up quick! and they miss you! Seth has 6 teeth, and looks like Al even more! JJ is in swimming lessons, and loves it!
We miss you!
Al and Li

Anonymous said...

Hey Miche!

Hahaha...I laughed so hard when I saw your "rocker sign" it's about time you have a picture that isn't you doing a peace sign! Haha, well good job painting that coffee shop! It looks really good and it looks like you had a lot of fun doing it! Keep us posted!