Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wrong Place, Wrong Time :O

Ok so by way of introduction...what you're about to see was not fact there is only nature to blame. :0) Alright, there is need for a little expanation. Occasionally there will be a nice breeze that makes it through our house. However, that breeze turns into a great wind down the hallway, and sometimes and without expecting it the wind whips back the other way and slams my door shut. This has happened so many times when I'm minding my own business and then "BANG" and my heart jumps 10ft out of its place. Most of the time I shut my door so I don't freak out again or I place something heavy in front of it. Of course, in the beginning when I was still learning this, I could be a little forgetful. So one day I walk into my room---REMEMBER, I have many little friends who like to join me in my room (namely gecos) and often startle me. Well, this particular day as I was walking back out of my room I spotted one of these little guys which startled me again. Only..... As I took a closer look I realized this little guy would not be starttling me anymore... Nope, not a chance... He was there for good. :0* So as all this is trying to process in my mind as to how I could have done this, seeing that these gecos are super begins to recall to my mind....."ah yes, ...the Wind." This is when I began to laugh and take pictures and think of what a great blog this could be :0) And as if this disturbing humor and natuaral disasterous event wasn't I'm taking pictures of this one and trying to get the best angle I notice this.... Yes, indeed it is another one on the same door!!! I had just about had enough for one day. All in all I think it's kind of disgusting to have this on your door, but the thought of cleaning it up is even more these two are still stamped on my door (they'll probably be there for the next people who move in). I know I know...that's really gross, but it's a continual reminder to keep my door shut. I don't seem to forget anymore....Figures :0) What can I say, the poor little guys were at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Anonymous said...

haha, thats amazing!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! You made my day!